17. September 2015 | Leave a comment The CompactLogix and ControlLogix processors support Producer/Consumer Tag mapping between two processors. This allows two processors to mutually share critical data values similar to the Scanner/Adapter mode used on Remote I/O. Below will illustrate this mapping process. A small Video howto, setup communication between 2 Controllogix (and compactLogix) plc’s with Consumed and Produced Tags. here a short video how to do it: Lets get started with Communication between Controllogix or Compactlogix PLC’s with produced and consumed tags Follow this small how-to with simple steps and some screenshots: Step 1: after you already added your plc with the program and logic, just add new network adapter to your PLC (in this case I use 1756-ENBT) Step 2: put name, slot and IP adress in config window Step 3: now you have to add a parner network card (do same like in step 2) Step 4: add some produced tags Step 5: set the type of tags Step 6: set max amount of conumer Step7: create consumed tags Step 8: Set it for Read Only Step 9: now repeat steps 1 to 8 on your partner PLC. after it download both programms to the PLC’s. now you are finish. It is one of simplest ways to make communication between ControlLogix PLC with CompactLogix PLC or between two ControlLogix or two CompactLogix. Other method to make communication for ControlLogix and CompactLogix PLC’s is the Message way, like a generic CIP Message. About it I make later a post, how to do it.