17. September 2015 | 33 Comments Excel read data from S7-300 with libnodave Simple way to get data directly from Siemens PLC like S7-315 2PN/DP in Excel what you need libnodave.dll Siemens PLC (I use S7-315pn/dp) excel (I use office 2010) You can download a excel file with libnodave dll ready to use, Libnodave_Excel_Communication.zip Here is a small presentaion , how to use this method: PS: dont forget to put libnodave.dll in your system folder like : C:\Windows\System32\
Hallo… Excel read data from S7-300 ist genau was ich gesucht habe. Doch leider steht bei mir “7,00649232162409E-44” anstelle von “100” . Mache ich etwas falsch ? ich habe die Original Dateien benutzt. Schön wäre noch eine Spalte und eine taste zu Schreiben von Werten ist das möglich? mfg J.Osmer Reply
>Doch leider steht bei mir “7,00649232162409E-44” anstelle von “100” . Eventuel haben Sie sich mit der Addresse vertan? >Schön wäre noch eine Spalte und eine taste zu Schreiben von Werten ist das möglich? Ja das wäre möglich, da muss man einfach das Makro anpassen. Grüße. Reply
Hello, Do you have Excel example to write/read integers? Please contact me: mantas@stak.lt Thank you. Reply
Dear all would you please send a sample s7 project for testing . Would you pleas help me? I can not connect to PLC Siemens . Remark: -I use PLCSIM – I use Simatic manager version is 5.3 kind regards Reply
hello, i have used your programm and it works very good, but i have a question, if i want to read the data i must press the button, but is there any way to refresh the data automatic? i mean, to the a button connect and show the data like if it were online. Thank you very much Reply
hey Tomas, I have tried but its not working , how do I know the subnet range used in the excel since we are only given the IP ? could you be kind I give me step wise way to make it function, I will really appreciate. Reply
Hi Tomas, did you find a way how to make the data refresh automatically. your feedback is highly appreciated. Reply
Every time the function is called excel returns a hault message indicating that the libnodave.dll file is not found. I work in Windows 7 whit Excel 2010. Reply
Hello, Do you have Excel example to write data to plc ? I tried but did not succeed. Please contact me: arash_ssb@yahoo.com Thank you. Reply
Ich verwende Windows 8.1 (64Bit) und Excel 2010. Ich bekomme immer die Fehlermeldung “Laufzeitfehler 48” Datei nicht gefunden. Ich habe die Datei libnodave.dll schon in sämtliche Ordner kopiert (C:\ , C:\ Windows, System, System32, Excel Programmordner,…) Auf Windows 7 (64Bit) und Excel 2007 funktioniert es. Können sie mir helfen? Vielen Dank. Reply
Hallo , I have copied libnodave file to my system 32 followed up trying to connect it to the PC reultrs in no luck . I am recieving a error Lauftzeit 53. Data nicht gefunden. I even tried to change the patch in the program for the dLL file but no fruitful results. Could you please help me on this issue. Reply
Hallo PLC2k My OS is Windows 7 enterprise. Service pack 1 Microsoft Office proffesional plus 2010 Thank you Reply
Hello, Thanks for this job. I’ve tested it with a S7-300 PLC , it works fine with bit,bool,word or real. But when I test it with a data type DINT, the result is always 0 ( example : db8.dbd10 DINT L#10 ) Have you an idea why ? Reply
Hi John, I guess the prettiest way is to convert you Dint into Real e.g DB2.DBD22 is 60, if you convert to Real and maybe store in e.g DB2.DBD26 the value will be 60.0 , and when you read on excel it will read 60 Reply
Hello Plc2k. I opened excel file but the error message appeared from Microsoft Visual basic for applications:” The code in this project must be updated for use on 64 bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements and then mark them with the PtrSafe attribute”. This error may be because my operation system is window 10 – 64 bit but your library (dll file) was written in 32 bit. Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you very much Reply
Hello, I modified the excel file to read and write value. You can follow the link to download it, I used S7-300. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zEirhi6LobCG2VeKEbOeD7nzSDwsdVWV?usp=sharing Reply
Hi Phil, thanks a lot, it works well, super !! I kind request , is it possible to make the data read from PLC to be updated automatically into the VarTab sheet instead of all time clicking read data. your feedback is highly appreciated. Reply
I have tested it with a 1510 SP Cpu Siemens S7/1500 but read is not possible. VBA Res2 = 33028 Waht goes wrong? Reply
Hallo, bekomme die Fehlermeldung “Laufzeitfehler ’48’: Datei nicht gefunden: libnodave.dll” obwohl sich die Datei im Systemordner befindet. Auf einem anderen Rechner funktioniert es, bei gleichen Einstellungen. Woran kanns liegen? Reply
Hi, I am using Excel 2013 on Windows 10 and it doesn’t work. Is there an updated 64 bit version available? It worked perfectly on Excel 2010 on windows 7 but I need to migrate it to 64 bit. Thank you. Reply