16. March 2016 | 13 Comments Linux Libnodave example read data from Siemens S7-300 I used Linux Min 17.3, so you can do the same with other Debian based distribution. Step 1 : install mono-complete sudo apt-get install mono-complete if you want to compile libnodave lib by your self, install c develeop headers sudo apt-get install libc6-dev Step 2: download and compile libnodave http://libnodave.sourceforge.net/ tar xzf libnodave.*.tar.gz cd libnodave if you are using x64 OS, you need to add CFLAG -fPIC just open Makefile, find the line “CFLAGS” and add at the end -fPIC make clean make Step 3: Now copy libnodave.so and libnodave.net.dll to you project directory Step 4: now create your Program, or use my from example (btw: you can download all files, link is below) [download id=”191″] using System; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; public class S7reader { public static void Main(string[] args){ libnodave.daveOSserialType fds; libnodave.daveInterface di; libnodave.daveConnection dc; int res=0; try{ fds.rfd = libnodave.openSocket (102, ""); fds.wfd = fds.rfd; if (fds.rfd > 0) { di = new libnodave.daveInterface (fds, "IF1", 0, libnodave.daveProtoISOTCP, libnodave.daveSpeed500k); di.setTimeout (10000);//10 seconds dc = new libnodave.daveConnection (di, 0, 0, 2); if (0 == dc.connectPLC ()) { while (fds.rfd>0) { res = dc.readBytes (libnodave.daveDB, 100, 12, 4, null); if (res == 0) { float tmp = dc.getFloat(); Console.WriteLine("DB100.DBD12: "+tmp); } Thread.Sleep (1500); } } } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " :: Error"); } }catch(Exception exc){ Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "Exception: "+exc); } } } Step 5: compile this example mcs S7reader.cs -r:libnodave.net.dll -out:./S7reader Step 6: run the program mono S7reader Step 7: create you own application Short Video with all steps:
I need to read data from S7300 PLC (Siemens) to Excel. My system is 32 bit windows 7. Kindly suggest the process Reply
Hello again. I have a little problem. I can’t connect with PLC from raspberry. This is my code https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v000o5jtuzo5kql/AADULNPbg75eGBhqivlSMasla?dl=0 It is working on Windows but when I try to use it on raspberry I receive “Connecting Error!”. I think there is something wrong with daveInterface or daveConnection. Best regards Reply
Hello plc2k , I need to connect android with plc through the router using libnodave library. Can you please tell me how to import or use libnodave library in android studio. Any kind of support is appreciated. Thank you Reply
Hello! I need to connect to Plc with a Raspberry using the libnodave library. Could you help me with how to do this? Thank you Reply
Libnodave, I think it is about lib nodave (surname) Snap7 project, it is an evolution about libnodave (I think), so you can use snap7 and theirs libraries (java,c, android, raspberry, even esp8266) Reply